Tiramisu for diabetics

Tiramisu for diabetics

Preparing a tiramisu for diabetics is very simple and you will soon discover that its flavor is as good as the original recipe. Try more of these delicious desserts for diabetics such as cocoa cream and apple crisp, they will fascinate you.


400 gr vanilla without sugar
250 gr of mascarpone
250 gr of milk cream
4 egg yolks
125 gr of maltitol
100 ml of milk
Bitter cocoa powder


1.       Prepare the coffee with 3 tablespoons of maltitol and let it cool for a few minutes in a bowl.

2.       In a pot mix the milk with the egg yolks while you heat over a low heat (without boiling).

3.       Add the milk and egg mixture, beat everything with an electric mixer. When the milk has been incorporated into the mixture and it has cooled, bring to a gentle heat and remove just before it boils. Always stirring.
4.       Bring the preparation back to the blender and beat until it cools.

5.       Once it is cold, add and add the mascarpone cheese (you can use mascarpone homemade) and the cream of milk (you can also find it as double cream or cream). Mix everything.

6.       To assemble the presentation of the dish, you can choose whether to present it in individual portions, or on a tray to then cut portions. In any case, you should do it in the following way: place the vanilla without sugar in the bottom and moisten it with the coffee, alternate with the preparation forming layers and crown with cocoa powder on top.

