Coronavirus: 21-year-old dies from COVID-19

Coronavirus: 21-year-old dies from COVID-19

21-year-old woman named Chloe Middleton, who has no known chronic disease history in the UK and has no symptoms, died due to coronavirus.

The number of deaths from coronavirus increased from 335 to 422 last night, with the number of cases being 77.7, according to the UK Public Health Agency's statement.

A 21-year-old woman is believed to be the youngest person with no pre-existing health conditions to have died after contracting coronavirus in the UK.

Chloe Middleton, from High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, is believed to have died from COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus, on 21 March.
Her mother, Diane Middleton, wrote on Facebook: "To all the people out there that thinks it's just a virus please think again.

"Speaking from a personal experience this so-called virus has taken the life of my 21-year-old daughter."

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